[Job] What is software?

Keyword: Software, definitions, and personal opinionsThe sources of various materials in the book are summarized at the bottom.This article is based on short experience, so if there are any mistakes in the content, please let me know in the comments What made you interested in software

Keyword: Software, definitions, and personal opinionsThe sources of various materials in the book are summarized at the bottom.This article is based on short experience, so if there are any mistakes in the content, please let me know in the comments What made you interested in software

Am I an irony who graduated from a mechanical major and is working in a job related to software (Software, SW)? I’m in one situation.Of course, he participated in SW-related projects for the first time while doing a master’s degree in system development with artificial intelligence after college, but he did not have time to think about SW (maybe an excuse) because of his focus on research at that time.And I thought that was the right way to do it. This is because the cord worked and the results were visible.Graduate schools have come to want to know how it is applied to the world and how it can be applied (I wasn’t interested in SW, and I didn’t even have a basic knowledge of SW) … just a little matlab or python…) I realize that coding is not all about development? There was a craving for.Two years after employment, I am deeply thinking about what SW is with the idea of living as a “proper SW developer.” The following are the things I felt when I didn’t know anything and after entering the company and receiving various education.If you compare hardware (HW) that designs and implements an organism organism using a programming language to the body, you want to compare software to the mind, but in fact, I still think there is a grain of beans about SW. Still, I hope it lasts a little longer. What is software?

After writing all of them, I feel embarrassed because I think what is very different from the dictionary definition. LOL, but I feel grateful for my hard work in the past that is the reason why I came to think like this. The end

The readers who have interested in SW, I recommend that each other can make sure that each other is possible to make a definition of SW.If people realize justice, you can understand the justice, you can’t get rid of justice…I think that’s personal and I think it’s not a life.Thank you for reading. I’ll be able to put your own project on your blog.A part (requires, model, model, model, model, diagram, diagram, and coding) is planning to handle examples.출처 : 네이버 SW 정의 : : https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=4369000&cid=59931&categoryId=59931구글 SW 정의 : : https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AB5stBhwmFWy8D4uuynMpjC5T1k-Pj1xTA:1689991207988&q=software&si=ACFMAn8_M7eJwStsnxyYBiM9Eo6iqBfzhDm56QfjoRd9HUZT1QL3ORVmIzvOYkN9T3zSZJyB-pg8-uSccRcrstSC8M3tVe5U6uJUdxls6FNuqXHzTU7X6-A%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir8v_sm6GAAxV4tlYBHfnSDlIQ2v4IegQIGhAP&biw=769&bih=967&dpr=1

Software – Google Search www.google.comWikipedia SW Definitions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoftwareSoftware – Wikipedia Software 132 Language Articles Read Talks View Source Free Encyclopedia from the History Tool Wikipedia See Software (avoidance avoidance) for additional uses. Additional quotes are required for validation in this article.Related discussions can be found on the talk page.Help us improve this article… en.wikipedia.orgSoftware – Wikipedia Software 132 Language Articles Read Talks View Source Free Encyclopedia from the History Tool Wikipedia See Software (avoidance avoidance) for additional uses. Additional quotes are required for validation in this article.Related discussions can be found on the talk page.Help us improve this article… en.wikipedia.orgThe entire program requires the entire program, rules, rules, rules, rules, rules, including software program.[ Example] Software can be able to solve the system software that you can easily run smoothly, such as the system software that you need to solve people.[ Description] Software is more meaningful words, and the hardware that is a mechanical device.Software is easy to touch with hardware, and it can’t touch with hardware.If you can see, hardware… terms.naver.comWikipedia Organism Definitions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OrganismWikipedia – Wikipedia Read 147 Language Article Talk Edit History Tool Wikipedia redirects your free encyclopedia Biological Form here. For informal taxonomic terms in botany, race (biology) ⇒ See Physiological Race.”Lifeform” is redirected here. For philosophical concepts, see Forms of Life… en.wikipedia.orgWikipedia – Wikipedia Read 147 Language Article Talk Edit History Tool Wikipedia redirects your free encyclopedia Biological Form here. For informal taxonomic terms in botany, race (biology) ⇒ See Physiological Race.”Lifeform” is redirected here. For philosophical concepts, see Forms of Life… en.wikipedia.orgWikipedia – Wikipedia Read 147 Language Article Talk Edit History Tool Wikipedia redirects your free encyclopedia Biological Form here. For informal taxonomic terms in botany, race (biology) ⇒ See Physiological Race.”Lifeform” is redirected here. For philosophical concepts, see Forms of Life… en.wikipedia.org

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