[23. August trip to England] Day 4 of Edinburgh Buy Prince St Garden, Victoria St, Scarf

take a walk around Edinburgh’s Old TownThis time I looked around Edinburgh Street, not at the performance. I bought more thermal insulation equipment. I brought enough long sleeves, but I need more raised clothes and scarves. The next day, Scotland will go up, but it might be colder.Scottish specialties and gifts are cashmere and whiskey! I decided to buy whiskey last day and went out to buy a scarf. There are many muffler shops on the Royal Mile in Old Town. The prices are almost the same and the patterns are the same.They all look alike, but there were about two places that were a little larger and crowded, and I went into one of them, kiltane.It was tagged with the name of the store in its own way. It seems that there were the most customers here.ア170 for 4 cashmere and は59 for 4 wool! I bought four family woolen scarves as souvenirs. Cashmere is Scotland’s specialty, but it is not Scottish.Real Scotland is on sale at a high price in the store. It’s a souvenir anyway, so it’s cheap!! Take one with you as soon as you buy it. It’s warm. I feel the scarf and warmth in mid-August.I went for a warm walk around. “Since I don’t have any luggage, I went down early to the quarterly edition of “”Closed.”””Suddenly, a puppy appears!A country where you can walk a super-large dog even though there are so many people! I’m kind to puppies, but homeless people break their hearts by raising puppies on the streetIt is the Scott Memorial Tower, a symbol of Edinburgh. It’s right next to the station.When I entered Edinburgh on guitar, I was very excited to see that. It’s finally here!!There are so many statues here, but I don’t know who it is. There were so many that I wouldn’t even look into them. But this is special.How can seagulls go up like that? I’m sitting at the right angle like a hatIt’s so cute that I took a picture of it. By the way, this puppy was actually an event dog. The symbol of Edinburgh is a puppy that found its owner, but it is sad that there are puppies mobilized for the performance like this.On the block of Edinburgh Street, there are old men wearing a block of clothes and blowing pipes, and this uncle got the best seat. Watch the performance against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle!Hmm… That’s so cool. I heard that there is a famous bookstore and Starbucks in Edinburgh Castle View across the wall, so I decided to go there.I was walking on a fast sidewalk and looked down at the park and saw flowers!!! The flowers are so pretty. I couldn’t stand this when I was old enough to like pictures of flowers. I went down the park without thinking, but this was Prince Street Garden, which I often saw in the latter half.On my way to the cafe with that view, I felt that I didn’t need it. You can just watch it in the park!!!I bought a drink at a nearby supermarket and came down to the park. I went to the mart several times during my nine-night trip to England, but the drink lineup here is very short. Asian countries are the strongest drinkers.I sat in a fine view of Edinburgh Castle. I took out two A4s and sat down. I think I can just sit down, but lawn → infectious disease → Europe → First… suddenly remember Europe First a few hundred years ago and take care of yourself (delusional)I couldn’t get off the night train and wash my hair, but I have to take a commemorative photo. (No one watches. The number of views of my trip to Europe didn’t come out very often anyway, so I’m uploading photos.)It’s rough…Peace~~The lawn is a little damp and the weather is humid and chilly, but it’s very nice to see if you feel better.A seagull like a human has appeared!A majestic seagull! It’s so funny. Even if there are people in my area, they walk so confidently.A child chases a seagull… Stay still!Suddenly I met Border Collie in front of the Border Collie shop. I wondered if my husband had drunk alcohol or medicine, but he took a sparkling border collie with him. I met so many border collies in Edinburgh. My favorite dog after parakeet is border collie!!! I have more than a hundred Landon Border Collies. When I see border collies, my heart flutters as if I saw an idolWhen I went to Edinburgh, I thought all the old men in the roadside pipe were old men with beards, but there were more diverse age groups than I thought. I’ve seen teenagers, but there are young people. You can also take pictures for money. He didn’t even put up a notice, but people naturally put money in there and took pictures.Just the scenery behind the building! I don’t know where it is, but I think there will be a helicopter. Edinburgh is just like a helicopter location. No, when I went to Portu last time, I told you that it was a helicopter!! Fortu is a helicopter in the cloak uniforms of Fortu University students, and this building is a helicopter. I saw a helicopter and it’s chasing all the holy placesto walk about here and there I also visited Victoria Street, which I often saw in other reviews. Edinburgh is a small city, so you said you’d see it all in one day, but I think I’ve seen almost all the famous cities in other reviews? The building is beautiful, but there are Heliporter Museum (store), gourmet fish and chips, and wine shop.This is a fake Harry Potter store across from the real Harry Potter store. I won’t buy it, but I went to see it.There are canes and clothes, but they are the same as official certification stores. think one can buy anythingThere was an official certification store across from the counterfeit shop, so they lined up. When I came back three days later, there was no line, so I went in. How many people… That’s in the next posting~~The brick roof looks like Lego? Few modern buildings seem to have been seen in Old Town.My Scottish itinerary is Edinburgh for 1 day – Highland & Sky for 2 nights and 3 days – Edinburgh again! On the first day, I will take a walk like this and write a review of Edinburgh again after a three-day tour.Prince Street Garden Princes St, Edinburgh EH22HG United KingdomThe Great Wizard UK EH12HE EdinburghThe Great Wizard UK EH12HE EdinburghKiltan 330 Lawn Market, Edinburgh EH12PH 영キルKiltan 330 Lawn Market, Edinburgh EH12PH 영キルKiltan 330 Lawn Market, Edinburgh EH12PH 영キル

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