10 ways to quickly cure colds (relieve symptoms of nasal and throat colds)

There is no cure for a cold. Cold medicine usually consists of relieving symptoms (snot, cough, etc.) caused by a cold. Instead, you can try to reduce the duration and symptoms of the cold. Let’s find out how to get over the cold quickly.

10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: Pexels

cure for a cold

quick cure for a cold 1. Vitamin C

10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: Pexels

Vitamin C supplements do not prevent the cold virus, but there are many studies that reduce the duration of colds.

출처 : https://www.mdpi.com/

According to a study, regular vitamin C supplements of 1-2g every day reduce the duration of colds by 8% for adults and 14% for children, which helps reduce the overall severity of colds.

출처 : https://www.cochranelibrary.com/

quick cure for a cold 2. Zinc10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsAccording to the study, I caught a cold It was confirmed that 575 participants had a 33% reduction in cold duration when they were given zinc rosenge.출처 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to get over a cold 3. Black Elderberry (syrup)10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsBlack Elderberry is often used in concepts such as Western folk remedies. It is mainly taken in syrup form, but a study of 312 people found that those who took elderberry supplements significantly decreased the duration and severity of colds compared to the control group who took placebo.출처 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govquick cure for a cold 4. Beet juice10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsThere is an interesting study that followed 76 people at risk of catching a cold during stressful final exams. The study found that people who drank seven randomly selected doses of juice had a meaningful connection to reducing cold symptoms, especially those with asthma. This is presumed to be a rich dietary nitrate of beet juice.출처 : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to Get Over Your Cold 5. Honey10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsAccording to a study of 300 children who cough at night due to upper respiratory tract infections in children, honey intake 30 minutes before bedtime helps symptomatically relieve coughing and sleep disorders. Honey can affect children under the age of 1, so it should never be taken, and children after the age of 1 should also check if they are allergic.출처 : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to get over a cold 6. Rehydration10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsSufficient water helps to cure a cold quickly. You have to keep replenishing hot tea, water and soup. In particular, if you have a fever, moisture is released together, so dehydration should be prevented with sufficient moisture, and hot water helps relieve chest and nasal congestion so that you can breathe well. Is there anyone who asks if coffee or beer is not allowed just because it’s water? Avoid caffeine-containing tea or alcohol because it can cause dehydration and interfere with sleep and rest necessary for recovery. quick cure for a cold 7.Enough Rest10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsRest is the most important thing because our bodies need time and energy to fight. Even if you see housework while lying down, you have to endure it, and you can’t stay up all night watching Netflix, so you have to get enough sleep.A study of 164 healthy men and women found that sleep is also closely related to colds, as people who do not get enough sleep were found to have a higher risk of catching a cold than those who do not.출처 : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to get over a cold quickly 8. If you can’t sleep because of a cough, add a pillow10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsIf you lie down, mucus such as phlegm may accumulate in your throat and cause coughing. This is why symptoms such as coughing gets worse when lying down to sleep at night or waking up with a cough while sleeping. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping due to coughing, it is helpful to raise the pillow height to minimize mucus accumulation in your neck. How to get over a cold 9. Gargle with salt water if you have a sore throat10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsDissolving salt in water before going to bed and gargling helps calm throat inflammation and prevent the infection from getting worse. How to get over a cold 10. take a hot shower if one has severe symptoms of a cold in the nose10 ways to get over a cold quickly Source: PexelsHot shower vapors dilute mucus in the sinuses, facilitate drainage and help breathe. Taking a shower with warm water before going to bed will help you sleep soundly. Are you concerned about the difference between influenza, cold, and corona?Influenza symptoms, countermeasures, colds, and COVID-19 pandemic have led to a sharp drop in the number of influenza patients thanks to personal hygiene and mask policies, but it has become more powerful… blog.naver.comDo I have to isolate myself when I catch the flu?Influenza A quarantine period, obligation or not, transmission period | Difference between influenza B: Coughing sounds are increasing abnormally when using public transportation or public facilities. Influenza… blog.naver.comAironet, a cold-based レ』方法さ亜鉛グル早的)年的(投与lo量年症))engとし(のCin)夜velをes年ミラー年arミラー·:.Hello, I am.Leaves, Elena, who reduce the duration of cold, which is a low-level view of cold and symptoms of the following example, for example, which is a result of the following example, which is a warning,Plastics ( 2012) Aric Application for Performance, Dell, Energy-Device, and SmartCareon-Device, and Television of New Year’s Daydone, and behavior

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